Autism Awareness Pumpkin Stencil

Autism Awareness Pumpkin Stencil Decorating pumpkins is more than just a festive activity it s a sensory rich experience that supports individuals with autism This craft not only fosters creativity but it also provides valuable learning opportunities that align with ABA therapy principles

In this post I talk about the design and pumpkin carving process we went through to make our second traditional Embrace ASD pumpkin for Halloween 2019 Ready for Halloween Check out our kids pumpkin carving visual schedule and printable pumpkin faces designed for autism and ADHD

Autism Awareness Pumpkin Stencil


Autism Awareness Pumpkin Stencil





In this blog post I m sharing with you a free template so that you can make this pumpkin sun catcher As well as instructions and accompanying photos so you can see how we made this craft to re create with your students I love these 5 pumpkin carving ideas for kids that you can use with autistic learners at home or in the classroom Choose one or try them all Also take a peek at our autism and Halloween tips and download the free Halloween cut

In this blog post I m sharing some amazing pumpkin crafts for kids that I know will be a huge hit for you I love making crafts both with my students and with my toddler at home He hates messy play but will happily do handprint painting etc Displaying a blue pumpkin on Halloween is a way to raise awareness for children on the autism spectrum and to change the way we think about trick or treating

More picture related to Autism Awareness Pumpkin Stencil







pumpkin finger painting Photo from reallifeathome A safe easy and versatile alternative to jack o lantern carving pumpkin finger painting is a way for your little ones to get involved in your pumpkin themed decorations this year Celebrate the power of communication with this hand drawn pumpkin character proudly carrying an AAC Augmentative and Alternative Communication device This unique digital file is perfect for anyone who wants to raise awareness about autism and the importance of communication

Blue pumpkin candy buckets are a symbol for autism awareness on Halloween They re controversial but as a mom to an autistic son I find them helpful Putting a teal pumpkin on your doorstep sidewalk or downloading a free sign and displaying it in a visible area means you have non food treats available This simple act promotes inclusion for trick or treaters with food allergies sensitivities





Decorating Pumpkins A Sensory Craft For Autism Support …
Decorating pumpkins is more than just a festive activity it s a sensory rich experience that supports individuals with autism This craft not only fosters creativity but it also provides valuable learning opportunities that align with ABA therapy principles

Pumpkin Carving 2019 Embrace Autism
In this post I talk about the design and pumpkin carving process we went through to make our second traditional Embrace ASD pumpkin for Halloween 2019





















Autism Awareness Pumpkin Stencil - Displaying a blue pumpkin on Halloween is a way to raise awareness for children on the autism spectrum and to change the way we think about trick or treating