Terraria Pumpkin Moon Stencil The Pumpkin Moon is a post Plantera Hardmode event triggered by activating the Pumpkin Moon Medallion The event is very rewarding if you can successfully keep pace providing a large amounts of money and good weapons by the end of the night
The faster the Mourning Wood goes down the faster you ll get to the next wave Once you start to get Pumpkings stand on a platform under your clouds Only dodge up and down to avoid the scythes This will keep both the Pumpkings and the Mourning Woods in Need tips for pumpkin moon this is my arena and my current load out I can t get past wave 6 7 in the pumpkin moon and would love some tips on what I can improve on I often use my eye of cthulu yoyo on bosses mini bosses and paladins hammer or butchers chainsaw for regular enemies
Terraria Pumpkin Moon Stencil
Terraria Pumpkin Moon Stencil
The Pumpkin Moon Medallion is a Hardmode post Plantera event summoning item used to summon the Pumpkin Moon event It can only be used at night Attempting to use it during the day will not begin the event and the item will not be consumed from the player s inventory Cude but effective This video makes me wanna build a proper arena Pretty cool The traps are certainly not completely necessary but they do help and when you re trying to get to wave 15 without using a server you can use all the extra damage you can get
1 Reply Share CaptFreedom 9 yr ago I would still advise making an arena with traps and whatnot since it helps greatly with the early stages Heartreach potions nailgun with shroomite is what carried me through them easily The nailgun is The Pumpkin Moon is a Hardmode post Plantera Halloween themed event summoned with the Pumpkin Moon Medallion any time at night ending at dawn 4 30 AM It can be summoned any time of year and does not require the actual Halloween season
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Hello Datcat Here and today I m asking you your favorite pumpkin moon setups You can include Pictures What Wave you get to Accesories Chosen Armor I created a number of trap based Moon autofarms previously but those farms are very resource intensive and not so easy to build I also frequently see a lot of requests for help with the Pumpkin Moon event so I decided to show how one can build a really simple arena and reach the final wave very quickly
Pumpkin Moon Medallion Terraria Wiki in Event summon items Craftable items Consumable items and 3 more English Pumpkin Moon Medallion Statistics Sounds Internal Item ID 1844 The Pumpkin Moon Medallion is a post Plantera item used to summon the Pumpkin Moon event It can only be used at night 1 When it comes to Pumpkin Moon autofarming the Omega Farm is a very effective way of grinding for money and gear http forums terraria index phinal wave at 10 30pm 42 platinum night 17682 However the Omega Farm is more of a late game farm once the player has gathered a lot of resources and has all the best gear
The Pumpkin Moon is a post Plantera Hardmode event triggered by activating the Pumpkin Moon Medallion The event is very rewarding if you can successfully keep pace providing a large amounts of money and good weapons by the end of the night
The faster the Mourning Wood goes down the faster you ll get to the next wave Once you start to get Pumpkings stand on a platform under your clouds Only dodge up and down to avoid the scythes This will keep both the Pumpkings and the Mourning Woods in
Terraria Pumpkin Moon Stencil - The Pumpkin Moon Medallion is a Hardmode post Plantera event summoning item used to summon the Pumpkin Moon event It can only be used at night Attempting to use it during the day will not begin the event and the item will not be consumed from the player s inventory